I.    Overview

To determine if your publishing program could benefit from distribution through Small Press United, please read through the sections listed on the left.

General Acceptance Guidelines

Books that do not meet all the requirements listed under General Acceptance Guidelines cannot be accepted into the program.

Electronic Payment Information

Be sure that the procedures listed under Electronic Payment Information are acceptable to you. Every bank in the U.S. will process direct payments.

The Agreement

Under the Agreement heading you will find a sample agreement that contains exactly the same terms and language as the one you will sign if you join the SPU distribution program. Note the blue "help" dots that contain question marks. When you click on one of these dots, explanations of the adjacent clauses in the agreement will appear. Read all of them because they contain much important information.

Dates and Deadlines

The timing of the introduction of a new title into the book market is described under Dates and Deadlines. The SPU approach brings books to market very quickly, but some time is needed for SPU to prepare marketing information and to disseminate title data.

Apply Online

If the information you find under these headings is satisfactory, Apply Online. Note that most of the fields are obligatory, and incomplete forms will not transmit. When the form is completed, click on the Submit button at the bottom of the form and it will be sent automatically to SPU.

Small Press United will expeditiously review your application. We may ask you to submit a copy of your book(s), or cover and interior samples, before making a decision. If your application is accepted, we will e-mail our agreement to you. A one-time setup fee of $200 will be required to join our program.

Apply Online